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Summer Conference 2020

Can’t/Won’t Do Assessment 
  1. Use baseline data (for comparison).
  2. Give the protocol/assessment in a quiet space.
  3. Tell the child he or she will be able to select a reward (items from a treasure chest, extra time for a preferred activity, edible items, skip a homework assignment pass, etc) for beating his or her last score.
  4. The staff administering the test should tell the student that she will earn the reward for beating her last score of 10 digits correct per minute and administer a similar probe of multi-digit multiplication without regrouping for 2 minutes following standard Curriculum Based Measurement (CBM) protocol.
  5. After the assessment has been administered, enter the results into the CD/WD Assessment.
Flash Cards
  1. Identify 7 cards the student knows and 3 cards the student does not know yet.
  2. Present the cards to the student at a rapid pace.
  3. For each incorrect response, put the card behind the next card.
                   Student Knows                                      Student Doesn’t Know

Asking for Help
  1. Determine times of the day when the student struggles (academics, behavior, or social).
  2. Select a method for asking for help (hand signal, cards, or both).
  3. Teach the student how to ask for help and recognize when they may need help.
  4. Reinforce the student for asking for help (with Behavior Specific Praise).
  5. Collect data on both the problem behavior and the replacement behavior(s) (Asking for help).
Alternatives to Writing
  1. Peer Writer- Designated individual writes down the assignment when the student verbally dictates the answers to them.
  2. Speech to Text- Student uses an electronic device to record their assignment and the computer program converts the student’s response to written text. 
  3. SnapType App- SnapType helps students keep up with their peers in class, even when their penmanship holds them back, by completing worksheets with the help of a phone or tablet. Students can take a picture of their worksheets, or import worksheets from anywhere on their device.
        Peer Writer                         Speech to Text                         SnapType App 


Starting Breaks
  1. Establish a fixed amount of break cards.
  2. Determine locations and activities.
  3. Teach the students step-by-step how to ask for a break.
  4. Reinforce the student for appropriately using break cards.
  5. Collect data on the use of break cards.
Check In/Check Out
  1. Check In: A designated adult will go over all the behavior expectations at the start of school. Words of encouragement will be the focus so that the student believes that he or she can meet the aforementioned expectations. 
  2. Progress Monitoring: The student’s educator will use the tracker or contract to evaluate the student’s progress throughout the day. This will provide the needed feedback for the Check Out session. 
  3. Check Out: The same adult who completed the Check In will meet again at the end of the day. If the student has met the expectation, they will receive the predetermined prize. If not, the adult will discuss how to make necessary adjustments so that the student will meet the expectation going forward. The focus should be positive and the student should leave feeling encouraged and empowered. 
  4. Home Note: Send the student home with a note outlining how he/she did during the day. The student’s guardian should provide necessary feedback and encouragement so the student continues to be supported outside of school.
  1. Only give the student part of the assignment at a time to make it appear to be less work by covering up all but one line of the worksheet at a time. 
  2. Tell the student to complete the visible line. 
  3. Once the line is completed, uncover the next line. 

*With an in depth assignment or lengthy written report, only give the student one portion at a time. 

Dots for Motivation
  1. The teacher cuts out individual dots but leaves the backing in place.
  2. Students are given an envelope where the dots will be stored.
  3. Teach your students that they can earn dots for completing problems on their assignments. 
  4. Students place earned dots in their envelope. While working on their assignment, if they come across a problem or an item that they don’t want to complete, it can be skipped by sticking a dot next to it.

*It is important for your students not to have to wait too long for a dot. 

“Clean Your Plate”
  1. Explain in detail to the student how Clean Your Plate works.
  2. Select with the student reinforcers that can be earned both during the meal and after the student has completely cleaned the plate of all assignments.
  3. Have the student choose and create a meal of all the assignments they must finish before the end of the day or period.
  4. Present the meal items and tell the student to start “eating.”
  5. Check on the student on a regular basis to provide encouragement and specific praise for working on assignments.
  6. The student completes one task at a time. When each content area is completed, the student may discard that part of the meal into the trash bin. (If the student wants to eat their burger and fries together, allow them to work on both pieces of the meal at the same time.)
  7. Once the student completes all assignments in the meal, deliver the predetermined reinforcer.
“Beat the Clock” 
  1. Explain to the student one side of the worksheet is for tracking the number of times they “beat the clock” and the other side is for tracking how many times they did not.
  2. Determine the length of time for each work session.
  3. Decide exactly the specific number of problems or lines that the student must complete within the time period to be able to fill in an “I beat the clock” square.
  4. Explain that the student needs to complete the academic goal within the predetermined time limit to be able to fill in an “I beat the clock” square. If they do not complete the work, then the square on the “I didn’t beat the clock” side is filled.
  5. Determine how many timing opportunities there will be each day and how many “I beat the clock” squares need to be filled in order for the student to earn a reward.
  6. Together with the student, decide on a reward menu they will choose a reinforcer from if the goal is met.
  7. Slowly increase the work requirement that needs to be accomplished as the student becomes good at reaching the goal.
Behavior Contract 
  1. Define the specific behavior for which the contract is being implemented.
  2. Select the contract reinforcers with the help of the student.
  3. Define the contract criteria (i.e. amount of behavior required, amount of reinforcement, time limits for performance).
  4. Optional addition of bonus clause (for exceptional behavior) or penalty clause (for nonperformance).
  5. Negotiate the contract with the student.
  6. Put the terms in writing and sign the contract.
  7. Set a date to review the contract’s terms.
Behavior Momentum 
  1. Identify appropriate behaviors that a student is likely to perform most of the time.
  2. Ask the student to perform several of these likely behaviors (2-3 requests) before asking the student to do a behavior that normally they do not like to do.
  3. Be sure to praise and reinforce positive behaviors.
Teacher: Bubba, hand me that pencil on the floor please.Bubba: Okay.

Teacher: Thanks so much! Here, help me pass out these math sheets to everyone.

Bubba: Sure.

Teacher: Man, you are so helpful today!

Bubba: Thanks!

Teacher: Okay, now start on problem number one please.

Bubba: Okay.

Role Play
  1. Create task analysis steps for target behavior. 
  2. Explain the steps and then model the correct way to complete the role play.
  3. Practice the role play alongside the student.
  4. The student demonstrates the role play independently.
  5. Reinforce the student for compliance and during practice.
Video Modeling
  1. Identify a skill or routine that you would like to target.
  2. Identify and assemble the materials needed.
  3. Complete a task analysis of the skill and routine and collect baseline data.
  4. Make a plan for filming the video.
  5. Record the video.
  6. Edit the video (IMovie App).
  7. Show the video to the child.
  8. Facilitate the skill development following the viewing of the video.
  9. Monitor the students progress and problem solve as needed.
Social Story
  1. Decide on a social situation to give the student direction for how to appropriately respond.
  2. Describe the steps for responding and clarify expectations.
  3. Include a description of each step through completion with a visual of the step being carried out.
  4. Read the social story daily with the student at the start of the day.

*Consider also using the Social Story App to create social stories digitally