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FBA Steps

1. Define the problem behavior

Behaviors must be described in observable and measurable terms.

When describing behaviors think about:

  • Giving examples
  • Setting of the behavior
  • Topography
  • Length of time

Two people should agree when the behavior occurs.

2. Collect assessment data

Indirect- Interviews, Behavior Rating Scales, File record review/Discipline history/Attendance, Academic level of functioning, Medical health history, Effectiveness of past services or interventions (academic and behavioral)


Direct- Direct Behavior Rating (DBR), ABC form, Scatter Plot Form

3. Analyze data

Analyze data for:

  • Attention
  • Escape/Avoid
  • Stimulation
  • Can't vs. Won't 

What is the function? Use the following analysis tools to help find out:

Motivation Assessment Scale (LRBI) 

Motivation Assessment Scale 

Functional Analysis Screening Tool

4. Develop summary statement

Hypothesis StatementWhen [Antecedent] occurs, the student [problem Behavior] in order to [Consequence (function)].

5. Identify replacement behavior 

The replacement behavior

  • is the behavior that you will be teaching the student to do instead.
  • must serve the same function as problem behavior