While some of our students will need a personalized Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) in order to prevent and replace problem behaviors, many behaviors in the classroom can be addressed with the use of class-wide interventions. Putting in place class-wide interventions helps us establish clear, consistent, and proportionate consequences and rewards for our students.
"What if" Chart
"What if" Charts are an effective way to display class-wide rewards and consequences. These rewards and consequences are in reference to rules that have already been established for the class. On one side of the chart, rewards for positive behavior and rule following are listed. On the other side, consequences (such as the response cost pictured below) are listed.
When these expectations are taught effectively and referenced regularly, they can create an objective system by which we respond to students' behavior. This helps to prevent power struggles between staff and students and helps us avoid an escalation in a students' behavior due to unexpected or disproportionate consequences.
Link to blank template: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZDYwWvVlDnt2Y4qdFBiNdZvV5Zlvk8q7/view?usp=sharing
Class Reward Chart
A Class Reward chart operates similarly to a student's point card, in which points are awarded upon exhibiting established positive behaviors. For example, a teacher may award a point every five minutes that the entire class is a) following directions and b) using an appropriate voice level. When the class fills the whole point card, a reward may be pre-determined or they can choose a reward from a menu of options. Along the way, there may be moments of "random reinforcement" (as signified by the squiggled lines and the red squares in the pictures below) in which the entire class earns a smaller reward. These smaller rewards increase behavioral momentum and motivate the students as they work towards their larger reward.
Link to blank template: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16iTP5J5OFgInMTpOfKxEbUM9bvfr5OpV/view?usp=sharing