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JBAT Consultation Form

How does one contact the Jordan Behavior Assistance Team (JBAT)?

  1. If your student has an IEP, talk to your school's Teacher Specialists first then fill out a JBAT Consultation Form linked above. If they are a general education student skip to step 2.
  2. Complete a JBAT Consultation Form.

*If the situation requires immediate attention (ESI) contact JBAT directly.

What is the JBAT Process?

Step-by-Step consultation process: School Team is seeking support for a student with challenging behavior(s).

STEP 1. School team reaches out to Behavior Specialist, Teacher Specialist, or SPED Administrator via phone call, email, consultation form

*Behavior Consultation Form MUST be completed prior to scheduling an observation (see above link)

STEP 2. Specialist schedules an observation with contact person based on the time indicated on the completed Behavior Consultation Form.

STEP 3. Behavior Specialist meets with one or more member of the School Team (such as School Psychologist, Principal, SLP, etc).

STEP 4. Behavior Specialist and/or Behavior Technician observe the student.

STEP 5. Specialist creates recommendations based on the observation and consultation.

STEP 6. Specialist and Technician meet with entire school team to discuss recommendations.

*Based on the meeting and needs of the district a Behavior Support Aide (BSA) may be sent to the school to assist with implementation of the plan

STEP 7. Once it is determined that a BSA will be sent to the school, JBAT needs baseline data on the student (starting point) which is a minimum of 3 data points on the problem behavior before sending BSA support.