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To provide guidance and information in creating successful behavior systems and supports to all students.

“These state and federal laws and USBE rules and policies for discipline and behavior-related issues apply to all students in public schools in Utah”

-LRBI Manual


  1. Recommended Practices

  2. Required State and Federal Educational Policies/Rules

  3. Utah Code

  4. Utah State Board of Education Rules (USBE)

Core Principles

1. All students can learn and achieve high standards if provided sufficient, appropriate opportunities to develop skills as a result of effective teaching.

2. Intervening at the earliest indication of both behavioral and academic needs is necessary for student success.

3. A comprehensive system of tiered intervention is essential for addressing the full range of student needs.

4. Student outcomes improve when ongoing behavioral and academic performance data inform instructional decisions.

5. All school personnel share responsibility for effective instructional practices and monitoring student progress.

6. Effective leadership at all levels is crucial for the maximum achievement of student outcomes.