- Kids are used to structure that they learned in school
- Try to start school-work around the same time everyday
- Kids thrive with structure and predictability so the more consistent we can be at home- the better the outcomes you will have
- Make it visible for everyone- don’t stress about making it fancy or over complicate it
- Don’t forget to keep a consistent sleep routine (including naptime where applicable)
2. Balance School Work and Fun
- Plan something to look forward to each day
- Alternate blocks of school-work and fun breaks
- Ask your kids what they want to do and what goals they have so they have more buy-in and accountability
- Establish clear boundaries in the home for work and fun locations
- Schedule game time on a specific, consistent night and take turns choosing the games; reserve certain favorite treats for these times (e.g. popcorn is for game night!)--this creates anticipation and anchors memories
3. Take Advantage of Outside Time
- Walk/Run/Bike
- Activities for outside- bubbles, chalk drawing
- Consider setting an “outdoor time” in your routine
4. Do Different Things
- Indoor Ice Hockey
- Cooking a Dish as a family/Bake a Cake
- Tents inside/Picnics in the backyard
- Prioritize projects that you have been procrastinating
- Make sure kids are part of the project
- Draw names to see who works on each part of the task
- Work for a pre-set amount of time
- Sing or listen to music while you work together
- Have a family celebration when a big project is completed
- Learn a skill that you have never had time for
- Make videos performing as a group (group dance, group song)
- Work on something to help others
- Create a file of Get Well or Thank You cards to send throughout the year
5. Journal
- Outlet for emotional stress
- Consider starting a daily, 5 minute “Gratitude Journal”
- Schedule (and prioritize) self-care time including time where you can be alone and without your kids to unwind
- Use coping methods (yoga, deep breathing, meditation, mindfulness)
6. Smile
- Remembering to smile has been shown to improve one’s mood
- Connect electronically with people who make you feel good about yourself
- Find humor in what you can and text or FaceTime with people who help you laugh
7. Stay Positive:
- Expect an adjustment period and have realistic expectations
- Focus on what you can control
- Limit news exposure and social media if you find it triggers anxiety
- Give kids space to feel their emotions and let them unfold organically
- Model expressing feelings of frustration and/or uncertainty, but always include hopeful and positive statements to reassure kids that things will be OK
The Jordan Family Education Center provides support services and classes for families and students in Jordan School District. These services are provided by the District’s school psychologists, counselors and school psychology interns.
The Jordan Family Education Center offers many classes and short-term counseling on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings.